An Introduction to the Art of Computer Programming Using Python in the Age of Generative AI

Preface: Computer Programming in the Age of AI

Now is better than never.
Tim Peters, Zen of Python

Generative AI can now translate natural language into programming language and is improving rapidly. This raises the question: do we still need to learn to program? What if it's enough to be able to read and understand code? Even such a passive knowledge will allow us to efficiently prompt AI to write programs for us. This website aims to demystify the core principles of computer programming in Python, one of the most widely used programming languages.

We need to be able to provide AI with detailed instructions and context so that it can generate efficient and useful code.

Throughout this site, you will find code examples that you can execute directly, allowing for hands-on learning and experimentation.

To give you a taste, here is the code to print "The Zen of Python", written by Tim Peters. These 19 aphorisms summarize the key principles behind Python's design.

import this

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